Hello. I’m glad you’re here. You have found the home of a transformational life coach, so you may well have taken the first steps to change your life.
Here’s a little of my story to let you know how I came to change my life, too.
I look forward to hearing yours.
Emma x
My name is Emma Dewhurst
I'm a Transformational Life Coach
I’m very proud of that sentence.
Its brevity belies the years of uncertainty and lack of clarity, deep life experiences and personal transformations that had to happen before I could say it (not to mention training).
Like you, I’m a fully paid up member of the human race. I have lived through many of life’s challenges.
In recent years, my challenge has been to transform my life, because a lot of it was not working.
The Question
I’m a professional actor, creative freelancer and for six years until quite recently, the founder and editor of an award-winning arts magazine. But the question that had been gnawing at me was this: What shall I do with my life now?
What does someone ‘like me’ do when she hits her late-fifties, knows in her bones that there is work she’s meant to do in the world – but has no idea what that work is?
The Answer
One sunny morning in February 2020 just before the world turned upside down, I was walking down the picturesque high street of Faversham, Kent. For the umpteenth time I asked myself The Question. This time an answer appeared to come to me from nowhere, as answers you’ve been seeking for years often seem to do.
The job I was walking to that day was a perfectly decent one, with a brilliant visionary boss; but I knew that I was working to someone else’s life purpose, not my own, and that while that was the case I would not be happy.
What Else I Knew
I knew that I wanted to help people. I had spent my working life feeling like I was not contributing enough to others in the world. I also knew that I am good with people. And whatever it was that I was destined to do, it had to be something I could do more or less on my own, because that’s just who I am.
And an inner voice said to me, ‘Check out life coaching again.’
So I did. And everything I read about transformational life coaching in particular, which has a deeper methodology and approach than some other coaching approaches – made me know that this was it, this was how I could make my difference in the world.
Sounds simple, doesn’t it? But my big change moment came after years of ‘faffing about’ and trying this and that in an unfocused way. I wish I had sought out my own coach at that point, instead of years later when I did.
Whatever it is that you want to change, believe me you can do it so much faster with the help of coach, cheerleading you, holding you accountable and helping you to work out what’s holding you back. So …
What do you know you need to change?
Are you feeling stuck?
You’re unsticking me Emma! (Paul P. a new client working on setting up his own business).
Do you need clarity about your next steps/next project/next job?
As a result of working with Emma, I got immediate clarity about my next steps. (Reaam A.)
Do you long to be listened to, understood & supported in your journey of change?
Working with Emma was one of my greatest joys in 2020. (Cory K.)
If you know in your bones that you need to stop struggling, identify what is making you feel so frustrated and restless and work through it to a better, more authentic life on the other side, transformational life coaching may be for you.
I will listen to you in a way you might never have been listened to before.
Holding space for my clients in an intuitive, empathetic, creative way is my coaching superpower. I think it’s the actor in me. It’s like that dynamic sense of presence a good actor brings on stage, when the whole audience leans forwards and holds its breath to listen.
On the Blog: learn more about The Life-changing Benefits of Transformational Life Coaching
12 Things About Me
- I live in Kent, UK near the sea
- I love theatre, it’s in my blood
- I’m mother to a brilliant teenager on the autism spectrum
- I’m a big fan of halloumi (and all things Greek)
- Being a sensitive empath, sometimes I just need to lie down
- ‘To thine ownself be true…’ I was brought up on Shakespeare
- I’m the daughter of a writer: words have always been my comfort and friend
- I once met Meryl Streep on my birthday
- Dancing makes me happy but I don’t do it enough
- My spiritual life combines two worlds: Buddhist chanting and Quaker silence
- Walking is an integral part of my creative practice
- I consider myself blessed to have met my playwright husband